Thursday, 15 October 2015

Sainsbury’s Everyday Shopping Card 4% Free Donation

Sainsbury’s Everyday Shopping Card
Great news! You can now raise 4% for us - for free - when you shop instore at Sainsbury’s!
Simply request your Everyday Shopping Card visit, top up your card and shop at any Sainsbury’s – it couldn’t be easier.

Now they have introduced automatic top-up from your debit card with either a regular weekly/monthly payment or when the balance on the Everyday Shopping Card has fallen to a certain level.

You can have up to 4 cards per family managed separately from one account.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Waitrose in Leigh-on-Sea chooses VHL UK/Ireland as a November Charity

We are pleased to announce that Waitrose in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, will be featuring VHL UK/Ireland as one of their three chosen charities for the Community Matters 'green token' scheme, throughout the month of November!

This will also raise awareness of VHL, HLRCC and BHD and the charity